Notification Service Introduction

In this insightful exploration, we delve into the intricacies of the OCI Notification Service, uncovering its features and seamless integration with other OCI services such as the Event Service.

Understanding Notification Service

The OCI Notification Service acts as a conduit for broadcasting messages, employing a robust Publish-Subscribe pattern. It ensures the dissemination of messages securely, reliably, with minimal latency, and enduringly for applications residing within your OCI tenancy or external entities. Within this framework, topics and subscriptions serve as vital communication channels for message dissemination. When a message is published to a topic, it is propagated to all subscriptions associated with that topic.

Should a subscriber’s endpoint fail to acknowledge the receipt of a message, the Notification Service can be configured to initiate delivery retries. For instance, in scenarios where notification messages are destined for email addresses and encountering mail server downtime, the service autonomously retries the delivery process. Notably, notifications seamlessly integrate with other OCI Services like Events or Monitoring, enabling the transmission of messages to configured alarm endpoints and topic subscriptions.

Configuring Notification Service

The initial step in configuring the Notification Service involves the creation of a topic, accompanied by the establishment of one or more subscriptions. This can be accomplished via various methods such as the OCI Console, Command Line Interface, APIs, or SDKs.

Subsequently, at least one subscription must be configured, defining the endpoint for message delivery. Several subscription options are available, including:

  • Email Subscription: Sends notifications to one or more email addresses upon event triggers.
  • Function Subscription: Executes a specified function as a response to events.
  • HTTPS Subscription: Facilitates the delivery of event messages to web services hosted either within OCI or externally via custom URLs.
  • PagerDuty Subscription: Generates PagerDuty incidents in response to received event messages.
  • Slack Subscription: Configures notifications to be sent to designated Slack channels.
  • SMS Subscription: Though unable to directly receive event messages, this option can still be utilized for notification purposes.

Integrating Services

Once topics and subscriptions are in place, seamless integration with services like the Event Service or Monitoring Service can be achieved. For instance, within the Event Service, Rule Actions can be customized to include notifications. By selecting Notifications as the Action Type, users can designate the appropriate Compartment and Topic for message dissemination.


In conclusion, we’ve explored the multifaceted functionalities of the OCI Notification Service, elucidating the concepts of topics, subscriptions, and its integration with the Event Service. This comprehensive understanding empowers users to leverage the Notification Service effectively within their OCI environment, ensuring efficient message distribution and event handling.

Understanding OCI Monitoring Service
Notification Service